Hälge theater

Hälge theater

Running through the forest, with the hunters hot on his heels, all he wants is some peace and quiet. And there in front of him he sees a high fence. Hälge just has time to read 'Kosta Safari Park' on a sign before he jumps over and into freedom. In here he is safe. No hunters as far as the eye can see and friends of all kinds. To think that in the Småland forests there was this oasis for wild animals and we get food every day. I think I'll stay here.'



Premiere is Friday 5 July at 11.00

The theater is about 20 minutes long and is played Wednesday to Sunday, the period 5 July - 18 August. The scene is at Kosta Safaripark.

The theater is divided into two parts but can be viewed separately without any problems.
- part 1 is played at 11.00
- part 2 is played at 1 p.m

Choose between watching part 1, part 2 or buy a ticket for both.

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